Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Business to business Ad 2

Epson - Engineered for Speed

Created by:
Albion, UK


Media used:


By using the Ariel Atom, a race car, to compete with the printing speed of Epson's latest line of inkjet printers, the ad above will probably generate a good first impression onto its audience. This reason for this is the ad's creativity, suspense and excitement, which in turn invokes attention and interest towards the ad. However, Heath (2010) argued that creative ads does not increase attention, but still facilitates communication through promoting open-mindedness and lowering consumers' guard towards the ad.

The appearance of the ad in televisions is another good choice that Epson made. Although a handful of people view television as a dying form of communication media due to the current shift towards the digital age (more specifically the Internet), a finding by Jones and Baxter (2010) concluded that TV viewing and its effectiveness is increasing.

On the other hand, to much dismay, the ad itself shows absolutely no indication regarding its target market. Only in the description found in Ads of the World, was the target market (small businesses) mentioned.

Analysed further, it was also observed that there was a poor measurement used in the ad, which was an Epson printer could print a map of the track faster than the car could drive it, but did not mention how many sheets of paper was printed in the duration of the lap.

In my opinion, the ad merely supports the brand's claim of producing one of the fastest inkjet printers by comparing the speed of the printer to the Ariel Atom and the statement of "38 pages per minute". Having left out other important aspects of their printers, such as multifunction, price and durability, the ad itself lacks the strength to motivate purchase behaviours from small businesses that have little or zero knowledge on Epson printers.

  1. Ads of the World (n.d.). Epson: Epson Printer vs Race Car. Retrieved from
  2. Jones, T. & Baxter, T. (2010). A serious examination of the myth of TV viewing. Market Leader. Retrieved from WARC.
  3. Robert, H. (2010). Creativity in TV ads does not increase attention. Admap. Retrieved from WARC.

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